Welcome to HealingBees & Beings!
IN COLLABORATION WITH JOHN STEWART REID, (Soundmadevisable.com) we present the Healing Bees CymaGlyph captured from the sound of the Mayan Melipona HealingBees CD. The resulting image presents, as Reid describes it, a "gorgeous elliptical CymaGlyph that contains four vortices, focusing on a central nodal point of stillness, perhaps indicating zero point energy. In the regions left and right of the central ellipse can be seen the dual wings of a Mayan Melipona HealingBee, frozen in this sublime holographic moment."
Beyond the beauty of the CymaGlyph, is the healing gift of the frequencies emanating from the image. The pinnacle state of being in the Mayan religion is Balance. Sitting in meditation with this image has a profoundly penetrating healing effect on body, mind, and spirt. To learn more about and purchase the Mayan Melipona CymaGlypy, please go to:
Beyond the beauty of the CymaGlyph, is the healing gift of the frequencies emanating from the image. The pinnacle state of being in the Mayan religion is Balance. Sitting in meditation with this image has a profoundly penetrating healing effect on body, mind, and spirt. To learn more about and purchase the Mayan Melipona CymaGlypy, please go to:

THANK YOU for dropping in. This is more than thanking you from me for opening this site. What I've created here is a peep hole into a realm I can hardly capture in words. It is a realm of uplifting, sustainable, healing, awakening experience. It is what the honeybees have to offer. I am only the one who brings their gifts to your table and not, by the way, with any awareness of what that meant or means. My choice was compliance or compliance.
Prior to 2009 I was a Jungian Psychologist. Post 2009 I became a beekeeper. I assumed beekeeping would be a hobby. Misguided assumption. Beeing thus far, self-misguided, I launched my academic mind into research: How to create an energy field that would sustain healthy hives. When I 'listened' the means to my inquiry were readily available and immediately fulfilling. When I had to know the 'Why' of it, I labored.
As guided, I recorded the bees inside the hives. Now to figure out how to transmit this sound both economically and sustainably, 24/7 to the hives. In this study, I learned that the bees were highly sensitive to their choice of location. I learned that all colony insects prefer to locate their nests/hives in geopathic stress zones. What does this mean?
It means that they thrive in zones that provide them with free 24/7-energy 'plug-ins’. These energy fields entrain the insects to higher frequency levels providing them with natural protection against viruses, predators, parasites and contaminants. Not having to work as hard to maintain hive temperature and being upgraded themselves they would be able to live longer and forage farther.
This led me to the study of quantum physics and ultimately to biogeologists who had been working in the creation of or re-establishment of subtle energy fields. These biogeologists have been my mentors in guiding me in my readings in quantum physics and helping me understand both what I am reading and seeing. They introduced me to the twisted copper cubit rings. I first used the Harmonizer (1 above) to compensate for not placing my hives in geopathic stress zones. Now I use their Star Burst (2 below).
Prior to 2009 I was a Jungian Psychologist. Post 2009 I became a beekeeper. I assumed beekeeping would be a hobby. Misguided assumption. Beeing thus far, self-misguided, I launched my academic mind into research: How to create an energy field that would sustain healthy hives. When I 'listened' the means to my inquiry were readily available and immediately fulfilling. When I had to know the 'Why' of it, I labored.
As guided, I recorded the bees inside the hives. Now to figure out how to transmit this sound both economically and sustainably, 24/7 to the hives. In this study, I learned that the bees were highly sensitive to their choice of location. I learned that all colony insects prefer to locate their nests/hives in geopathic stress zones. What does this mean?
It means that they thrive in zones that provide them with free 24/7-energy 'plug-ins’. These energy fields entrain the insects to higher frequency levels providing them with natural protection against viruses, predators, parasites and contaminants. Not having to work as hard to maintain hive temperature and being upgraded themselves they would be able to live longer and forage farther.
This led me to the study of quantum physics and ultimately to biogeologists who had been working in the creation of or re-establishment of subtle energy fields. These biogeologists have been my mentors in guiding me in my readings in quantum physics and helping me understand both what I am reading and seeing. They introduced me to the twisted copper cubit rings. I first used the Harmonizer (1 above) to compensate for not placing my hives in geopathic stress zones. Now I use their Star Burst (2 below).

My original contribution to finding a way to sustain healthy hives was the beehive recordings, HealingBees. I have five recordings: the four seasons and a swarm colony making new combs. The recording is burned to a CD and clipped to the copper Star Burst. This arrangement is then set in close proximity to the hives. These two together create a highly coherent energy field wherein the bees and the plants (my chickens, too) thrive. The copper device creates the field; the HealingBees CD the message.

Summer Rose HealingBees CD
Presenting the HealingBees Summer Rose, an in-hive recording made mid-summer. This hive is a June summer swarm hive. These bees are unusually gentle. I suspect that the Colorado summer hive was so long in coming because THEY were waiting for just this swarm to join the garden.
THEY are not me. I woke up that August morning and heard, "Summer hive, now." I protested, "It seems late in the summer for this hive recording."
"Summer recording," repeat.
Not satisfied, I counted the days in summer 94/2 = 47 = Aug. 6th. I believe it was the 7th when I was informed to record. About noon, I recorded inside the Sweet Bees Hive. When I listened to the recording I was amazed. A charge of energy went straight down my spine.
The sound is deep, mellow and full-up. All members of a summer hive are active; drones not so much. The hive is full of capped and uncapped honey, bee bread (pollen mixed with bee secretions and fermented with two layers of honey), propolis, eggs, larva, water and all the bees doing their beezness.
Welcome into deep body healing.
Presenting the HealingBees Summer Rose, an in-hive recording made mid-summer. This hive is a June summer swarm hive. These bees are unusually gentle. I suspect that the Colorado summer hive was so long in coming because THEY were waiting for just this swarm to join the garden.
THEY are not me. I woke up that August morning and heard, "Summer hive, now." I protested, "It seems late in the summer for this hive recording."
"Summer recording," repeat.
Not satisfied, I counted the days in summer 94/2 = 47 = Aug. 6th. I believe it was the 7th when I was informed to record. About noon, I recorded inside the Sweet Bees Hive. When I listened to the recording I was amazed. A charge of energy went straight down my spine.
The sound is deep, mellow and full-up. All members of a summer hive are active; drones not so much. The hive is full of capped and uncapped honey, bee bread (pollen mixed with bee secretions and fermented with two layers of honey), propolis, eggs, larva, water and all the bees doing their beezness.
Welcome into deep body healing.

Introducing the Mayan Melipona Bees & Doña Anselma Chalé Euán into the family of HealingBees CDs. From YouTube viewing I'd found several Mayan melipona beekeepers. What riveted me to the screen was seeing the living spiritual connection between the Mayan people and the Melipona. To say Mayan 'beekeeper' is inappropriate. Often it is not one individual who attends to the Melipona but a cooperative of women. The women are spiritual sisters of the Melipona. These women are Xaman, Ts'ak yaaj, Ko'olel ts'ak yaaj; shamen, traditional healers, herbalists and holy women. They are not differentiated.
The Mayan Melipona Bees CD starts with a prayer to the Melipona sung by Doña Anselma. She is greeting the them. Singing she tells them that my recording of the hive will not disturb them and asks for their blessing on my work and the recording they make for me.
When we listen to the recording we are silenced by the extraordinary song we hear. Nothing we could have imagined. We all agree that it sounds like being inside a cenote. A cenote is an underground pool of water that is sacred to the Mayans. The pools are deep and pristine. Over time, the water carves out extensive caverns. What you hear in the cenote are the drops of moisture falling for thousands of years from the ceiling into the pool below.
Captured in this CD is 10,000 unbroken years of the spiritual relationship between the Mayans and the Meliponas. To use the term 'relationship' is awkward because that indicates that there are two separate entities in association with each other. In fact, they are not separate nor associating. They are one entity. Such is the communion between the Meliponas and Mayans that the Mayan God Mok Chi transformed himself into a Bee to heal and sever his people.
Listen and allow yourself to enter into the eternal song of the Mayan Melipona Bees and the Mayan Ko'olel ts'ak yalj Doña Anselma. Choose to be healed.
The Mayan Melipona Bees CD starts with a prayer to the Melipona sung by Doña Anselma. She is greeting the them. Singing she tells them that my recording of the hive will not disturb them and asks for their blessing on my work and the recording they make for me.
When we listen to the recording we are silenced by the extraordinary song we hear. Nothing we could have imagined. We all agree that it sounds like being inside a cenote. A cenote is an underground pool of water that is sacred to the Mayans. The pools are deep and pristine. Over time, the water carves out extensive caverns. What you hear in the cenote are the drops of moisture falling for thousands of years from the ceiling into the pool below.
Captured in this CD is 10,000 unbroken years of the spiritual relationship between the Mayans and the Meliponas. To use the term 'relationship' is awkward because that indicates that there are two separate entities in association with each other. In fact, they are not separate nor associating. They are one entity. Such is the communion between the Meliponas and Mayans that the Mayan God Mok Chi transformed himself into a Bee to heal and sever his people.
Listen and allow yourself to enter into the eternal song of the Mayan Melipona Bees and the Mayan Ko'olel ts'ak yalj Doña Anselma. Choose to be healed.

During a sever drought in Colorado (I live at 7200 ft.) I harvested from my 3 hives over 160 lbs. of honey. My neighbor 1/2 mile as the bee flies from me harvested 60 lbs. from 4 hives. AND no one waters the forest flowers. The Colorado honey harvest was dismal that year.
Initially I spent a lot of time listening to the CDs as I worked on my research. To my amazement and confusion, I experienced strong healing effects on my body and bio-field. Fortunately these experiences were not exclusive to me. Since 2009, my customers have weekly reported similar experiences:
“G’day Valerie:
I made my annual visit to the optometrist last week. The upshot is that my eyesight has improved 50%, and cataracts improved about 25%. OK, so I hear the older you get, if you have nearsightedness, it improves, but the doctor hadn’t seen that degree of improvement in such a short time. My guess is it’s the bee frequencies. Mostly I’ve been using the purple one [Creation], with the headphone speakers at the sides of my head by my eyes.
Herpes day two. Herpes is a virus. So she used HealingBees Creation first. Herpes is now a manifest sore. Then she used Fall Harvest. What does used mean? She attached earbuds to her iPod, tucked the buds in her pants near the sore and clicked on the appropriate CD for about 10 minutes each. The next day the sore had dried up. Bliss.
That the honeybees have been celebrated for more than 10,000 years wherever they are native to the region is no surprise. It was not for their healing honey and propolis nor wax. Where the pictographs reveal and the literature is translatable the priests and priestesses "became bees''.
From an ancient Egyptian papyrus we are given instructions for the Opening of the Mouth ceremony the
Kher-heb, the officiating priest says, "Going about as a bee, thou seest all the goings about of thy father." Examples such as this from the Mayans to the Mediterranean, and Old European cultures, etc., abound.
During a sever drought in Colorado (I live at 7200 ft.) I harvested from my 3 hives over 160 lbs. of honey. My neighbor 1/2 mile as the bee flies from me harvested 60 lbs. from 4 hives. AND no one waters the forest flowers. The Colorado honey harvest was dismal that year.
Initially I spent a lot of time listening to the CDs as I worked on my research. To my amazement and confusion, I experienced strong healing effects on my body and bio-field. Fortunately these experiences were not exclusive to me. Since 2009, my customers have weekly reported similar experiences:
“G’day Valerie:
I made my annual visit to the optometrist last week. The upshot is that my eyesight has improved 50%, and cataracts improved about 25%. OK, so I hear the older you get, if you have nearsightedness, it improves, but the doctor hadn’t seen that degree of improvement in such a short time. My guess is it’s the bee frequencies. Mostly I’ve been using the purple one [Creation], with the headphone speakers at the sides of my head by my eyes.
Herpes day two. Herpes is a virus. So she used HealingBees Creation first. Herpes is now a manifest sore. Then she used Fall Harvest. What does used mean? She attached earbuds to her iPod, tucked the buds in her pants near the sore and clicked on the appropriate CD for about 10 minutes each. The next day the sore had dried up. Bliss.
That the honeybees have been celebrated for more than 10,000 years wherever they are native to the region is no surprise. It was not for their healing honey and propolis nor wax. Where the pictographs reveal and the literature is translatable the priests and priestesses "became bees''.
From an ancient Egyptian papyrus we are given instructions for the Opening of the Mouth ceremony the
Kher-heb, the officiating priest says, "Going about as a bee, thou seest all the goings about of thy father." Examples such as this from the Mayans to the Mediterranean, and Old European cultures, etc., abound.

Bees Healing Bees: The Field
The speed and direction at which the electrons revolve around the nucleus in a cell is vital to the health of the cell and the organism. If either are disturbed (direction can be reversed) the organism is compromised. A compromised organism is subject to degeneration and opens itself to disease and parasites. A healthy colony of bees produces an electromagnetic field, EMF, that is capable of protecting it from external threat and possibly assisting in the flight of the bee back to its colony.
Valerie Hunt, professor emeritus University of California, is a pioneer in the field of healing with sound frequencies and scalar waves. In the following Hunt describes the EMF and how the inner and outer EMF interact.
The energy field lies between the physical organism and the universe. It is the
direct interface with every experience this body has. When we are in groups
we have interaction: my field meets yours and in the interaction we are changed.
Yet sometimes when you introduce two fields neither changes, or only one field
changes. This is because the field is always selective. The way in which the field
is organized determines how it affects the . . . body. With the contaminated and
weak electromagnetic energy of your environment you also decrease the energy
of the field internally. For proper action the field has to be constantly nourished.
Sound and music nourish the field …
The speed and direction at which the electrons revolve around the nucleus in a cell is vital to the health of the cell and the organism. If either are disturbed (direction can be reversed) the organism is compromised. A compromised organism is subject to degeneration and opens itself to disease and parasites. A healthy colony of bees produces an electromagnetic field, EMF, that is capable of protecting it from external threat and possibly assisting in the flight of the bee back to its colony.
Valerie Hunt, professor emeritus University of California, is a pioneer in the field of healing with sound frequencies and scalar waves. In the following Hunt describes the EMF and how the inner and outer EMF interact.
The energy field lies between the physical organism and the universe. It is the
direct interface with every experience this body has. When we are in groups
we have interaction: my field meets yours and in the interaction we are changed.
Yet sometimes when you introduce two fields neither changes, or only one field
changes. This is because the field is always selective. The way in which the field
is organized determines how it affects the . . . body. With the contaminated and
weak electromagnetic energy of your environment you also decrease the energy
of the field internally. For proper action the field has to be constantly nourished.
Sound and music nourish the field …

Currently, beekeepers and laboratory scientists cannot or do not knowingly place their hives in energy-rich zones. As such, the hive is deprived of an additional source of free energy. Modern hive colonies are further depleted through pollution, chemical additives to soil and seeds, genetic modification, loss of habitat and climate change. Bees work harder to survive while becoming weaker and weaker.
One solution:
Restore the colony's frequency field and the bees will manage their own health.
Research has shown that the recording of a specific sound used to elicit a corresponding behavior from one hive, when played to another hive will elicit that same behavior. The laws of physics state that when one object vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second object into vibrational motion. This is called harmonic resonance. Therefore, playing a recording of a healthy hive (A) to a second hive (B) of bees will positively affect the hive B.
I use the example of the tuning forks:
Striking one tuning fork in the presence of another of similar pitch creates sympathetic harmony. Since the incoming sound waves of the first fork share the same natural frequency as the second fork, the tuning fork easily begins vibrating at its natural frequency. This is an example of harmonic resonance - when one object vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second object into vibrational motion.
If my theory is correct then hives influenced by the healthy bee recordings would be stronger and hence more capable of protecting themselves from disease, parasites and contaminants. Organically, the effect of the recording on the bee would be to stabilize and enhance the electron spin. Consequently they would be more productive, reproductive and healthy.
One solution:
Restore the colony's frequency field and the bees will manage their own health.
Research has shown that the recording of a specific sound used to elicit a corresponding behavior from one hive, when played to another hive will elicit that same behavior. The laws of physics state that when one object vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second object into vibrational motion. This is called harmonic resonance. Therefore, playing a recording of a healthy hive (A) to a second hive (B) of bees will positively affect the hive B.
I use the example of the tuning forks:
Striking one tuning fork in the presence of another of similar pitch creates sympathetic harmony. Since the incoming sound waves of the first fork share the same natural frequency as the second fork, the tuning fork easily begins vibrating at its natural frequency. This is an example of harmonic resonance - when one object vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second object into vibrational motion.
If my theory is correct then hives influenced by the healthy bee recordings would be stronger and hence more capable of protecting themselves from disease, parasites and contaminants. Organically, the effect of the recording on the bee would be to stabilize and enhance the electron spin. Consequently they would be more productive, reproductive and healthy.

Observations: Since 2009 my hives have been disease and parasite free. In early spring the hives are abundantly healthy with a queen laying eggs from one side of the frame to the other. After the coldest winter in 20 years, the bees burst out in abundance in the spring hive opening of 2009 (left).
Numerous beekeepers using my products report similar results. The following e-mail is from a beekeeper in Albuquerque, NM. New Mexico has been suffering extreme drought conditions for four years. January 2014 was the driest on New Mexico's record going back to 1895. Even so, Mike's bees are flourishing.
Hi Valerie,
I've been thinking about you lately, since our hive got through the winter like
"gangbusters". The girls were so many, coming out of the winter, that half of
the hive swarmed on April 12th. I'd noticed some queen cells when I'd gone
into the hive to get a couple of frames to put in a new hive I got, but I was
hoping, because I had added an additional 8 frames, they would not swarm. . .
Bottom line, I caught the swarm with the help of a beekeeper friend . . .
Back to the over wintering success. We had some extremely cold winter days,
and the bees just hunkered down with a sufficient honey supply. They were
under the care of the Winter-CD attached to the ETT. All winter, they must
have "hummed" under the effect of the ETT and the CD, because when I went
into the hive on March 4, I'd never seen so many bees in any of my hives.
I called my mentor to ask if I should add another super to accommodate them
at the time. He said, "by all means". I did.
The remaining bees, along with the new queen, have been again going strong.
The bees are now under the spell of the Spring-CD and loving it. Additionally,
I've added a new hive on April 1, and it too is going strong.
Thank you so much for coming into our lives, and bringing us such wonderful
energy and tools. If you are coming this way anytime soon, we have a place
for you to stay. BTW, how is your mom?
Happily humming with the bees,
Numerous beekeepers using my products report similar results. The following e-mail is from a beekeeper in Albuquerque, NM. New Mexico has been suffering extreme drought conditions for four years. January 2014 was the driest on New Mexico's record going back to 1895. Even so, Mike's bees are flourishing.
Hi Valerie,
I've been thinking about you lately, since our hive got through the winter like
"gangbusters". The girls were so many, coming out of the winter, that half of
the hive swarmed on April 12th. I'd noticed some queen cells when I'd gone
into the hive to get a couple of frames to put in a new hive I got, but I was
hoping, because I had added an additional 8 frames, they would not swarm. . .
Bottom line, I caught the swarm with the help of a beekeeper friend . . .
Back to the over wintering success. We had some extremely cold winter days,
and the bees just hunkered down with a sufficient honey supply. They were
under the care of the Winter-CD attached to the ETT. All winter, they must
have "hummed" under the effect of the ETT and the CD, because when I went
into the hive on March 4, I'd never seen so many bees in any of my hives.
I called my mentor to ask if I should add another super to accommodate them
at the time. He said, "by all means". I did.
The remaining bees, along with the new queen, have been again going strong.
The bees are now under the spell of the Spring-CD and loving it. Additionally,
I've added a new hive on April 1, and it too is going strong.
Thank you so much for coming into our lives, and bringing us such wonderful
energy and tools. If you are coming this way anytime soon, we have a place
for you to stay. BTW, how is your mom?
Happily humming with the bees,

Like Healing Like
This theory of like healing like is ancient. It is supported by hundreds of years of practice and research in the area of sarcodal (healthy tissue) homeopathy. In sarcodal homeopathy the frequency of healthy tissue transmitted in water (liquid crystalline medium) is administered to support injured, diseased or weakened tissue. In the case of the bees, sound frequency is transmitted through the hive box (the medium) which, acting as a resonator, resonates the bees to a higher or sustained frequency level.
At that time, I didn’t know that these same HealingBees recordings would have substantial healing effects on other if not all living organisms.
Bees Healing Beings:
Ancient Knowledge ~ Quantum Physics
As I sit here typing, the Bees Healing Beings CD is playing. And I realize that I’m listening to over 200 million years of evolution. I feel energy pressure from my head to my heart. It feels good. It was in the civilizations around the Mediterranean, particularly in Egypt, where spiritual practices founded on the honeybee hive became the bee mysteries. The oldest shamanic practices in are based on the veneration of the hive.
This theory of like healing like is ancient. It is supported by hundreds of years of practice and research in the area of sarcodal (healthy tissue) homeopathy. In sarcodal homeopathy the frequency of healthy tissue transmitted in water (liquid crystalline medium) is administered to support injured, diseased or weakened tissue. In the case of the bees, sound frequency is transmitted through the hive box (the medium) which, acting as a resonator, resonates the bees to a higher or sustained frequency level.
At that time, I didn’t know that these same HealingBees recordings would have substantial healing effects on other if not all living organisms.
Bees Healing Beings:
Ancient Knowledge ~ Quantum Physics
As I sit here typing, the Bees Healing Beings CD is playing. And I realize that I’m listening to over 200 million years of evolution. I feel energy pressure from my head to my heart. It feels good. It was in the civilizations around the Mediterranean, particularly in Egypt, where spiritual practices founded on the honeybee hive became the bee mysteries. The oldest shamanic practices in are based on the veneration of the hive.
From the standpoint of nature, the most highly organized social structures are found in honeybee colonies. Honeybees have evolved from wasp foragers to a sophisticated degree of community living from the creation of wax hexagonal cells for brood, pollen and honey storage to their clearly defined social structure and methods of communication. “Bees have an ancient reputation as the bringers of order, and their hives served as models for organizing temples in many Mediterranean cultures.”
In “BeesHealing Bees”, I discuss the electromagnetic field (EMF) created by the bee colony and the hive as an earth resonator. The sustained coherent vibrational sound emanating from the hive is pure communication transmitted throughout the environment. “In the beginning was the Word” and the Word was sound, the vibration of life. The honeybee colony is the vibration of life.
Edgar Cayce said that sound would be the medicine of healing. Now let us take this to another level. The sound emanating from the hive is not the same sound of a singular bee or even of thousands of bees at work in an orchard. “The sound from the hive is manifesting from a state of unity as a social process.” The focus of the bee mystery is the hive colony. Neolithic artifacts show the importance of the honeybee queen and hive in the spiritual practices of these people. Note the beehive headdress worn by the Mother goddess. The paintings of hive cells on the walls in the cave sanctuary. In the Mayan codices we learn that the priests transformed into bees.
In “BeesHealing Bees”, I discuss the electromagnetic field (EMF) created by the bee colony and the hive as an earth resonator. The sustained coherent vibrational sound emanating from the hive is pure communication transmitted throughout the environment. “In the beginning was the Word” and the Word was sound, the vibration of life. The honeybee colony is the vibration of life.
Edgar Cayce said that sound would be the medicine of healing. Now let us take this to another level. The sound emanating from the hive is not the same sound of a singular bee or even of thousands of bees at work in an orchard. “The sound from the hive is manifesting from a state of unity as a social process.” The focus of the bee mystery is the hive colony. Neolithic artifacts show the importance of the honeybee queen and hive in the spiritual practices of these people. Note the beehive headdress worn by the Mother goddess. The paintings of hive cells on the walls in the cave sanctuary. In the Mayan codices we learn that the priests transformed into bees.

A closer look at the wax comb reveals that it is a series of perfect hexagons. The hexagon is one of the most stable systems employed by nature. We see it in snowflakes, daffodils, beehives and sacred architecture. The strength and quality of the comb is in its perfect series of hexagonal patterning. “The Bee hive handles the weight of bees and vibrations with perfect stability and strength.” When geometric patterns appear in multiple sequences they create sound. This sound is intensified by the crystalline structure of the wax cells.

Modern science now shows that these geometric rhythms lie at the center of atomic structures. When Andrew Gladzewski carried out research into atomic patterns, plants, crystals and harmonics in music he concluded that atoms are harmonic resonators, proving that physical reality is actually governed by geometric arrays based on sound frequencies . . . Perhaps the most important of these shapes is the hexagon, upon which the Egyptian matrix, the Flower of Life, is based. This series of outwardly-rotating divisions of the circle accommodate the branches of the building blocks of life, the amino acids. Nature's first sacred geometric pattern is the hexagon.

This CymaGlyph (right) is an image captured from a sound clip from the Creations HealingBees CD by John Stuart Reid. In the stillness of the center appears the queen with her arms up. Her crown is a bee. The queen is at once the queen and the worker bee. This is unity. The honeybee colony is the living unified field singing the One song of Creation: Unconditional Love. This is where the HealingBees CDs take you, if you choose to go through the vibrant swirl of the universe.
A CymaGlyph is created by a Cymascope a device that makes sound visible. John Stuart Reid , acoustics engineer, is the inventer of the Cymascope. Several of Reid's HealingBees' CymaClyphs are published and discussed by Reid in The Beehive Effect (pp. 108-112). More information on Reid's research and offerings can be found on his website soundmadevisible.com.
A CymaGlyph is created by a Cymascope a device that makes sound visible. John Stuart Reid , acoustics engineer, is the inventer of the Cymascope. Several of Reid's HealingBees' CymaClyphs are published and discussed by Reid in The Beehive Effect (pp. 108-112). More information on Reid's research and offerings can be found on his website soundmadevisible.com.
The QEEG Meets The Spring HealingBees
The image below was recorded by a Quantitative electroencephalagram, QEEG. It is a graph of brain Coherence created while I was connected to the QEEG and listening to Spring HealingBees CD. Note that all but 1 out of 19 dots are connected. Juan Acosta, PhD, Neurophysiology, said he’d never seen this image in a QEEG brain coherency graph. John Stuart Reid observed that the QEEG image was a decadon figure linked geometrically to the pentagon. The decadon and the pentagon he said, “contain phi, the Golden Mean, one of nature’s most prolific constants: 1:1.618." |
I called Professor Emeritus Adrian Wenner (Department of Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara) at his home in Santa Barbara to ask about his study on bee language and recordings. At the end of our conversation he said, “We know nothing about bees, nothing.” That was probably the greatest encouragement I got to stay the course. It’s all an adventure. |
Listen to an interview by Phil Chandler of Biobees with Valerie. November 2012

While mainstream scientists and beekeepers study the “collapse” of the bee colony by seeking pharmaceutical remedies to cure it, on a mountainside in Colorado, something else is happening. Intriguing. The details are in the reading.
Beehive Effect: Ancient Rites ~ Quantum Principles
by Valerie Solheim, PhD, DD
Beehive Effect: Ancient Rites ~ Quantum Principles
by Valerie Solheim, PhD, DD