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About Energy Transfer Tools
Beekeepers: The HealingBees CDs attached to the Star Burst provide maximum benefit and protection for hives.
Healers & Seekers: The HealingBees CDs attached to the Star Burst provide maximum benefit and protection for use with clients, in the house, gardens, chicken coops and cars.
Beekeepers: The HealingBees CDs attached to the Star Burst provide maximum benefit and protection for hives.
Healers & Seekers: The HealingBees CDs attached to the Star Burst provide maximum benefit and protection for use with clients, in the house, gardens, chicken coops and cars.
My work with Healing Bee CDs and Energy Transfer Tools has been cited in Jonathan and Andi Goldman's new book, The Humming Effect: Sound Healing for Health and Happiness for which I am honored and grateful. However, there is a misunderstanding in their writing that I "claimed" to restore a hive suffering from Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). CCD is a phenomenon that occurs when the majority of worker bees in a colony disappear and leave behind a queen, plenty of food and a few nurse bees to care for the remaining immature bees and the queen. The day before CCD, the hive is thriving and the next day, the majority of the bees are gone. Thus, to restore CCD would be impossible because the bees to be restored are gone. I have restored hives with mites that I brought up from agricultural areas BUT not CCD.
Possibly the misunderstanding is regarding never losing a hive to CCD. And I suggest that this is because of the quality of the energy field within which the hives are located. I write with the desire to correct this misunderstanding and at the same time to thank the Goldman's for the honor of being included in their esteemed and valued gift, The Humming Effect: Sound Healing for Health and Happiness.
My work with Healing Bee CDs and Energy Transfer Tools has been cited in Jonathan and Andi Goldman's new book, The Humming Effect: Sound Healing for Health and Happiness for which I am honored and grateful. However, there is a misunderstanding in their writing that I "claimed" to restore a hive suffering from Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). CCD is a phenomenon that occurs when the majority of worker bees in a colony disappear and leave behind a queen, plenty of food and a few nurse bees to care for the remaining immature bees and the queen. The day before CCD, the hive is thriving and the next day, the majority of the bees are gone. Thus, to restore CCD would be impossible because the bees to be restored are gone. I have restored hives with mites that I brought up from agricultural areas BUT not CCD.
Possibly the misunderstanding is regarding never losing a hive to CCD. And I suggest that this is because of the quality of the energy field within which the hives are located. I write with the desire to correct this misunderstanding and at the same time to thank the Goldman's for the honor of being included in their esteemed and valued gift, The Humming Effect: Sound Healing for Health and Happiness.

Creating an Energy Field and Transmitting the CDs
Once I decided to make the hive recordings I had to figure out how to transmit their sound to the hives.
I discussed my project with two colleagues, David and Erina Cowan, both of whom are frequency therapists and musicians. They quickly agreed to help me. The Cowans recommended I acquaint myself with Light-Life tools before leaving for Hawaii to record the bees.
This I did. I visited the Light-Life company office to learn more about their tools and ask for their support in my research. The inventors, Slim Spurling (deceased 2007) and his partner Bill Reid dedicated their professional lives to the study of geobiological stress and frequency transfer. The company immediately and enthusiastically embraced my bees healing bees theory.
After our conversation, they loaned me an Environmental Harmonizer for my research. The Harmonizer was an important factor in assuring high quality bee frequencies for the recordings by upgrading the energy field within which the bees were located. For my purposes, Reid and Spurling’s research showed that the Harmonizer is used for environmental and health issues, agriculture, pest control and more. The Harmonizer “appears to be in accord with the primal, natural field of the planet and to provide a constructive wave pattern”.
The Harmonizer creates scalar wave patterns that are transmitted by its rings when used as an antenna for sound waves. The use of the Harmonizer “antenna” in conjunction with the recording of the bees, made prefect sense. Initially, I placed the Harmonizer or Light-Life™ 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Ring (henceforth Ring) on top of a hive. Since then I have learned that a Harmonizer placed on top of a Healing Bees CD shiny side up will pick up the CD's electromagnetic (EM) sound pattern. The pattern piggybacks on the frequency bands produced by the Harmonizer into the field around it. As such the Harmonizer creates the field and the HealingBees CD EM patterns are the message within the field.
Once I decided to make the hive recordings I had to figure out how to transmit their sound to the hives.
I discussed my project with two colleagues, David and Erina Cowan, both of whom are frequency therapists and musicians. They quickly agreed to help me. The Cowans recommended I acquaint myself with Light-Life tools before leaving for Hawaii to record the bees.
This I did. I visited the Light-Life company office to learn more about their tools and ask for their support in my research. The inventors, Slim Spurling (deceased 2007) and his partner Bill Reid dedicated their professional lives to the study of geobiological stress and frequency transfer. The company immediately and enthusiastically embraced my bees healing bees theory.
After our conversation, they loaned me an Environmental Harmonizer for my research. The Harmonizer was an important factor in assuring high quality bee frequencies for the recordings by upgrading the energy field within which the bees were located. For my purposes, Reid and Spurling’s research showed that the Harmonizer is used for environmental and health issues, agriculture, pest control and more. The Harmonizer “appears to be in accord with the primal, natural field of the planet and to provide a constructive wave pattern”.
The Harmonizer creates scalar wave patterns that are transmitted by its rings when used as an antenna for sound waves. The use of the Harmonizer “antenna” in conjunction with the recording of the bees, made prefect sense. Initially, I placed the Harmonizer or Light-Life™ 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Ring (henceforth Ring) on top of a hive. Since then I have learned that a Harmonizer placed on top of a Healing Bees CD shiny side up will pick up the CD's electromagnetic (EM) sound pattern. The pattern piggybacks on the frequency bands produced by the Harmonizer into the field around it. As such the Harmonizer creates the field and the HealingBees CD EM patterns are the message within the field.

The Harmonizer creates scalar wave patterns that are transmitted by its rings when used as an antenna for sound waves. The use of the Harmonizer “antenna” in conjunction with the recording of the bees, made prefect sense. Initially, I placed the Harmonizer or Light-Life™ 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Ring (henceforth Ring) on top of a hive. Since then I have learned that a Harmonizer placed on top of a Healing Bees CD shiny side up will pick up the CD's electromagnetic (EM) sound pattern (see Star Burst above). The pattern piggybacks on the frequency bands produced by the Harmonizer into the field around it. As such the Harmonizer creates the field and the HealingBees CD's EM patterns are the message within the field.
The Ring, Harmonizer and Star Burst all use the same technology: organizing and transmitting coherent energy on extremely low frequency bands. Basically, only the ranges of their fields differ. These tools restore and enhance the natural harmony and coherent resonance to organisms and space. They are single rings, a ring with rays or configurations of three intersecting rings that form a sphere with a coil in the center. Their dimension, shape and size "are tuned into the Phi proportions that resonate with the Earth's standing gravitational wave. These devices conduct and create energy based on quantum physics principles that can generally be described as Coherent Zero Point Energy. (Peter Jackson, 1997)
The tools are measured in cubit units. Cubits are ancient Egyptian units of measure. One cubit equals 20.6 inches. They are derived from cosmological studies of the movement of the sun and moon in relationship to the earth. Robin Heath and John Michell's book, The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth, Discovering the Sacred Geometry of the Ancient (2006) is an invaluable source for learning about the powerful influence of harmonics embedded in sacred geometry and measure. Energetically, the Ring creates a positive light (energy) field from the tensor field or center plane that extends in both directions. (Jackson).
Since 1991, laboratory studies and field reports on the tools indicate that the tensor field attracts, organizes (coheres) and conveys bands of subtle energy that are readily absorbed by living systems within its range (Cal Garrison, 2004). When sound activated, the acoustic pattern is carried on the universal gravitational wave (Hartmut Muller, 2004) and absorbed as information into receiving systems (Lynne McTaggart, 2008). The tools have a positive right spin property. The tools' induced quantum resonate field is always present and any quantum structure within the field will change resonance (vibrational entrainment similar to the resonating effect of duel tuning forks) in association with its energetic field. People who see additional levels of energy describe the field as holographic light composed of subtle energies that are constantly in motion (Jackson).
The Ring, Harmonizer and Star Burst all use the same technology: organizing and transmitting coherent energy on extremely low frequency bands. Basically, only the ranges of their fields differ. These tools restore and enhance the natural harmony and coherent resonance to organisms and space. They are single rings, a ring with rays or configurations of three intersecting rings that form a sphere with a coil in the center. Their dimension, shape and size "are tuned into the Phi proportions that resonate with the Earth's standing gravitational wave. These devices conduct and create energy based on quantum physics principles that can generally be described as Coherent Zero Point Energy. (Peter Jackson, 1997)
The tools are measured in cubit units. Cubits are ancient Egyptian units of measure. One cubit equals 20.6 inches. They are derived from cosmological studies of the movement of the sun and moon in relationship to the earth. Robin Heath and John Michell's book, The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth, Discovering the Sacred Geometry of the Ancient (2006) is an invaluable source for learning about the powerful influence of harmonics embedded in sacred geometry and measure. Energetically, the Ring creates a positive light (energy) field from the tensor field or center plane that extends in both directions. (Jackson).
Since 1991, laboratory studies and field reports on the tools indicate that the tensor field attracts, organizes (coheres) and conveys bands of subtle energy that are readily absorbed by living systems within its range (Cal Garrison, 2004). When sound activated, the acoustic pattern is carried on the universal gravitational wave (Hartmut Muller, 2004) and absorbed as information into receiving systems (Lynne McTaggart, 2008). The tools have a positive right spin property. The tools' induced quantum resonate field is always present and any quantum structure within the field will change resonance (vibrational entrainment similar to the resonating effect of duel tuning forks) in association with its energetic field. People who see additional levels of energy describe the field as holographic light composed of subtle energies that are constantly in motion (Jackson).

The invention of the Star Burst by Bill Reid and associates replaced the use of the Harmonizer and the Ring. This is not because it is better but because it is as good as the Ring while radiating a wider field than the Ring. This is due to the use of the Rings energy field (tensor field) with the addition of the rays that extend the field beyond the circumference of the Ring. NOTE: the Healing Bee CD attached to the tool.
It is possible that people exposed to the resonant field of the tools will experience detox effects. If this happens, activate the tool for shorter periods of time until the effects cease. The Star Burst has many beneficial effects on our body and environment and may be used for many different applications.
It is possible that people exposed to the resonant field of the tools will experience detox effects. If this happens, activate the tool for shorter periods of time until the effects cease. The Star Burst has many beneficial effects on our body and environment and may be used for many different applications.

Quartz Crystals for Transmission without Electricity
Due to the nature of their crystalline structure, quartz crystals have been used for ages as transmitters of energy. When activated the resonance of a vibrating crystal can create an electrical signal with a very precise frequency. They are used in wristwatches, clocks, radios, computers, cell phones and test and measurement equipment among many other things.
The shape and size of the face of the crystal used for transmission is important and should be researched before deciding on a crystal to purchase for the purpose of transmission. Wikipedia is a good place to start:
For the transmission of the Healing Bees CD: place the quartz crystal on top of a moisture protected CD, shiny side up. Locate it near or under a hive. A Harmonizer placed on top of the Healing Bee CD or the CD attached to the Star Burst also transmit the CD frequencies in this way. No electricity is needed to activate the quartz crystal or any of the Tools.
Due to the nature of their crystalline structure, quartz crystals have been used for ages as transmitters of energy. When activated the resonance of a vibrating crystal can create an electrical signal with a very precise frequency. They are used in wristwatches, clocks, radios, computers, cell phones and test and measurement equipment among many other things.
The shape and size of the face of the crystal used for transmission is important and should be researched before deciding on a crystal to purchase for the purpose of transmission. Wikipedia is a good place to start:
For the transmission of the Healing Bees CD: place the quartz crystal on top of a moisture protected CD, shiny side up. Locate it near or under a hive. A Harmonizer placed on top of the Healing Bee CD or the CD attached to the Star Burst also transmit the CD frequencies in this way. No electricity is needed to activate the quartz crystal or any of the Tools.