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The HealingBees sing the song of Creation. That song is innate to all living organisms. It is the vibratory level of unity. The healthy beehive colony is a super organism; the living unified field. Ancient cultures acknowledged it. All modern religions speak of it. When we listen in meditation, we remember.
Listening to any of the HealingBees CDs provides us with a gift on all levels from physical wellbeing to heightened spiritual awareness. Although each CD seems to have its area of application, the suggestions for use overlap and are not exclusive. The intention by the user is as strong as the suggested application for use.
The energetic frequency transmitted from the hive/CD swirls. All vibrant energy swirls (below left). Healthy cells constantly spin in coherent movement. Unhealthy cells have lost their spin and become chaotic. These cells can revert to health when restored to coherent spin (research by Dr. Mina Bissell, Bacteriology, Harvard School of Medicine). From the swirling dance of the melissi (center) to the swirling cymaglyph (sound clip image Right) the ancient people and the honeybees know about the universal nature of the healing spin.

On Your Body
Over the years people have reported back to me that they are using several HealingBees CDs on one incident. It makes sense because more than one frequency level has been affected by a disturbance. I downloaded the six CDs on an iPod shuffle. I plug it into headphones or earbuds and either place them directly on the location of discomfort or hang the earbuds around my neck, clip the shuffle on my pajama and let it run through all the CDs during the night for healing, comfort and entrainment.
If you feel acute discomfort, place headphones or ear buds over the area as long as and as many times as you feel the need.
For more general use play the CDs, volume up or down, while meditating or anytime to clear the space and entrain the mind and body to higher levels of wellbeing.
Don’t overlook tucking an ear buds into your navel and tailbone; lots of nerve endings and beginnings there! Most important is entrainment. Entrainment means repeated use. Download the CD on your computer, mobile devices and keep one in the car. The more one is tuned to the HealingBees’ frequencies the higher the level of physical, emotional and spiritual awareness and wellbeing.
VOLUME IS NOT FREQUENCY. How loud or soft you play the CD does not affect its restorative properties.
Over the years people have reported back to me that they are using several HealingBees CDs on one incident. It makes sense because more than one frequency level has been affected by a disturbance. I downloaded the six CDs on an iPod shuffle. I plug it into headphones or earbuds and either place them directly on the location of discomfort or hang the earbuds around my neck, clip the shuffle on my pajama and let it run through all the CDs during the night for healing, comfort and entrainment.
If you feel acute discomfort, place headphones or ear buds over the area as long as and as many times as you feel the need.
For more general use play the CDs, volume up or down, while meditating or anytime to clear the space and entrain the mind and body to higher levels of wellbeing.
Don’t overlook tucking an ear buds into your navel and tailbone; lots of nerve endings and beginnings there! Most important is entrainment. Entrainment means repeated use. Download the CD on your computer, mobile devices and keep one in the car. The more one is tuned to the HealingBees’ frequencies the higher the level of physical, emotional and spiritual awareness and wellbeing.
VOLUME IS NOT FREQUENCY. How loud or soft you play the CD does not affect its restorative properties.

The Energy Field, Bee Hives and HealingBees CDs
Honeybees naturally locate their hives in high-energy fields for the best possible protection against disease and parasites. All of the hives used to record the in-hive HealingBees CDs are located in high-energy fields.
This high-energy field provides the hive with a level of organization that they could not achieve outside this zone. In quantum physics all energy is defined as information transfer. When 80,000+ organisms share a small space, such as a hive, the maximum amount of coherent information transfer possible increases the hive’s ability to maintain a high level of wellbeing and vitality while conserving energy, hence living longer healthier lives.
To compensate for hive locations outside of these high-energy fields, the research indicates that the placement of a simple copper device, the Star Burst (above right), with the appropriate HealingBees CD attached, located in the hive area, in your home and car recreates this subtle energy field-effect.
Honeybees naturally locate their hives in high-energy fields for the best possible protection against disease and parasites. All of the hives used to record the in-hive HealingBees CDs are located in high-energy fields.
This high-energy field provides the hive with a level of organization that they could not achieve outside this zone. In quantum physics all energy is defined as information transfer. When 80,000+ organisms share a small space, such as a hive, the maximum amount of coherent information transfer possible increases the hive’s ability to maintain a high level of wellbeing and vitality while conserving energy, hence living longer healthier lives.
To compensate for hive locations outside of these high-energy fields, the research indicates that the placement of a simple copper device, the Star Burst (above right), with the appropriate HealingBees CD attached, located in the hive area, in your home and car recreates this subtle energy field-effect.

More information on the science behind the Star Burst and HealingBees CDs can be found in, The Beehive Effect: Ancient Rites ~ Quantum Principles.

The HealingBees Creation CD
The Creation CD appears to work at the cellular level. It seems to have a re-patterning effect on disturbed cells. The hive frequencies appear to super-impose a blue print of perfect cellular patterning that restores the body to its optimum state of efficiency. It seems to activate stem-cells.
The Creation CD appears to work at the cellular level. It seems to have a re-patterning effect on disturbed cells. The hive frequencies appear to super-impose a blue print of perfect cellular patterning that restores the body to its optimum state of efficiency. It seems to activate stem-cells.

Inside the Creation hive the bees are creating wax combs. The combs are perfect hexagrams of sacred geometry. Each wax cell shares its walls with adjacent cells. When a bee vibrates a cell its reverberation is felt throughout the hive. At the time of this recording the primary purpose of the swarm colony was to create comb to establish their new hive. The Creation CD captures the frequencies of this singular activity.
Here is a peak inside a new hive at the pristine comb (right), to show the beauty and precision of their work for the benefit of all Creation. The study of cymatics (acoustic engineering) is the study of sound creating form. To the left is a cymatic image of a sound clip from the Creation CD: The queen bee with her arms raised in praise wearing a bee crown held in a field of swirling energy. Depleted and/or diseased cells become chaotic because they lose their swirling energy. Once this swirl is returned to the cell the
Here is a peak inside a new hive at the pristine comb (right), to show the beauty and precision of their work for the benefit of all Creation. The study of cymatics (acoustic engineering) is the study of sound creating form. To the left is a cymatic image of a sound clip from the Creation CD: The queen bee with her arms raised in praise wearing a bee crown held in a field of swirling energy. Depleted and/or diseased cells become chaotic because they lose their swirling energy. Once this swirl is returned to the cell the

The HealingBees Spring CD
The Spring CD appears to be one of cleaning, cleaning and ordering our biofield from the body to the auric field and beyond. Bees are inherently cleanly and highly efficient. When our biofield is clear the natural healing qualities of the body freely bring us to higher levels of wellbeing and awareness.
The Spring CD appears to be one of cleaning, cleaning and ordering our biofield from the body to the auric field and beyond. Bees are inherently cleanly and highly efficient. When our biofield is clear the natural healing qualities of the body freely bring us to higher levels of wellbeing and awareness.

Inside the Spring hive is humming with the sound of cleaning, clearing and new life. This Spring CD is 100% a female song. The sun is out, the queen is laying up to 3,000 eggs a day, the nurse bees are tending the larva, the worker bees, all female, are bringing in water. The male bees, drones, are in the embryotic stage. It is too early for nectar or pollen collection.
A spring hive (right) is heavy with larva (light brown patches behind the bees) and bees cleaning and preparing the hive for the coming nectar and pollen flow.
A spring hive (right) is heavy with larva (light brown patches behind the bees) and bees cleaning and preparing the hive for the coming nectar and pollen flow.

The HealingBees Hawaiian Hive CD
The Hawaiian Hive CD is in full swing. The recording captures the vibrancy of the tropical hive at peak performance. This frequency is complex. Below the superficial sound of busyness one can hear a looping droning of the multiple layers of vibration. This is the harmonic resonance of perfection. As such, the Hawaiian Hive CD appears to clear and activate the etheric body for expanding spiritual awareness.
The Hawaiian Hive CD is in full swing. The recording captures the vibrancy of the tropical hive at peak performance. This frequency is complex. Below the superficial sound of busyness one can hear a looping droning of the multiple layers of vibration. This is the harmonic resonance of perfection. As such, the Hawaiian Hive CD appears to clear and activate the etheric body for expanding spiritual awareness.

Inside the Hawaiian Hive the bees are filling wax cells with nectar and pollen. The queen is laying, the drones are droning, the hive bees are feeding the larva, creating new cells, cleaning old ones for future use, capping the honey-filled cells, mixing and packing bee bread.
Hawaiian girls (all worker bees are female) slurping up the nectar and rolling in the pollen! Photo by Jonathan Mores
Hawaiian girls (all worker bees are female) slurping up the nectar and rolling in the pollen! Photo by Jonathan Mores

The HealingBees Fall Harvest CD
The Fall Harvest CD sound is rich in accomplishment. It stabilizes, replenishes and brings into harmonic resonance our biofield with the Living Unified Field. Its complex sound appears to work with the body to restore its natural energy pattern, releasing pain and inflammation. When the frequencies of our body are stressed, out of tune, the Fall Harvest hive frequencies move through the deep fabric of our bodies and biofield to release blocked energy and held pain.
The Fall Harvest CD sound is rich in accomplishment. It stabilizes, replenishes and brings into harmonic resonance our biofield with the Living Unified Field. Its complex sound appears to work with the body to restore its natural energy pattern, releasing pain and inflammation. When the frequencies of our body are stressed, out of tune, the Fall Harvest hive frequencies move through the deep fabric of our bodies and biofield to release blocked energy and held pain.

Inside the Winter hive the bees are settling in for winter. The bigger and stronger winter bees have replaced the smaller spring and summer ones. The queen is finished laying eggs for the season. Nectar and pollen sources are dormant. The honey cells are being capped for winter use and storage. The bees cluster tightly in between the combs to protect the queen and themselves from the chill of wind, rain and snow. This is not a time of rest. Winter bees work hard to maintain the temperature of the cluster by continuously vibrating their thoracic muscles. At the center of a cluster it can be 95°F while outside the hive it is 45°F.

The HealingBees Emergency Room CD
Emergency Room CD contains five 15-minute tracts from each of the CDs as they progress through the bees’ year. The structural matrix of the universe is sacred geometry that expands into infinity from germ, to seed, to flower to fruit. The hexagon is the central geometric germ from which all sacred geometric forms arise. The hexagon is the creation and home of the honeybee.
One uses Emergency Room differently than the other five CDs. For meditation and penetrating work the longer versions of the HealingBees CDs are preferable. However, when one is facing trauma, surgery or a reluctant participant, then it seems to be the one of choice. It takes the listener from physical to spiritual restoration. A reluctant participant is a person who would be unwilling to go deeper with the other CDs or switch from one to another in their healing progression. Better to give the listener the “Reader’s Digest” version than nothing. It can also be used to find which CD would be most effective in the moment.
Emergency Room CD contains five 15-minute tracts from each of the CDs as they progress through the bees’ year. The structural matrix of the universe is sacred geometry that expands into infinity from germ, to seed, to flower to fruit. The hexagon is the central geometric germ from which all sacred geometric forms arise. The hexagon is the creation and home of the honeybee.
One uses Emergency Room differently than the other five CDs. For meditation and penetrating work the longer versions of the HealingBees CDs are preferable. However, when one is facing trauma, surgery or a reluctant participant, then it seems to be the one of choice. It takes the listener from physical to spiritual restoration. A reluctant participant is a person who would be unwilling to go deeper with the other CDs or switch from one to another in their healing progression. Better to give the listener the “Reader’s Digest” version than nothing. It can also be used to find which CD would be most effective in the moment.

The HealingBees Healing Beings CD
The Healing Beings CD has far ranging beneficial effects on the human body. With entrainment, use over time, the bee frequencies seem to have a focusing effect, de-stressing and restoring energy, clearing allergies, skin problems and jet lag. It seems to allow for a better sleep, calm the nerves and muscles and generally work on restoring and energizing the physical body.
This CD is 66% of the speed, RPM, of the HealingBees Summer CD. The reduction in speed by 33% was determined through dowsing the question, “Is there another speed that would be beneficial?” Apparently there is. The resulting effects of the slower speed on our body seem miraculous.
NOTE: This is the only CD that upon occasion seems to cause immediate detox effects. When the frequencies encounter blocks in the body’s energy field one can experience headaches, nausea or anxiousness. Turn off the CD and wait for 10 minutes while body adjusts to the clearing.
The Healing Beings CD has far ranging beneficial effects on the human body. With entrainment, use over time, the bee frequencies seem to have a focusing effect, de-stressing and restoring energy, clearing allergies, skin problems and jet lag. It seems to allow for a better sleep, calm the nerves and muscles and generally work on restoring and energizing the physical body.
This CD is 66% of the speed, RPM, of the HealingBees Summer CD. The reduction in speed by 33% was determined through dowsing the question, “Is there another speed that would be beneficial?” Apparently there is. The resulting effects of the slower speed on our body seem miraculous.
NOTE: This is the only CD that upon occasion seems to cause immediate detox effects. When the frequencies encounter blocks in the body’s energy field one can experience headaches, nausea or anxiousness. Turn off the CD and wait for 10 minutes while body adjusts to the clearing.

To learn more, YES, read the book,
The Beehive Effect: Ancient Rites ~ Quantum Principles
by Valerie Solheim, PhD, DD
The Beehive Effect: Ancient Rites ~ Quantum Principles
by Valerie Solheim, PhD, DD